Question of the Day 1/6/2012


Do you think there is a certain etiquette to proposing to a woman? Like getting on one knee & placing the ring on her finger?

I saw two proposals yesterday where the man just kind of GAVE the ring to the woman. On Love & Hip Hop last night Jim Jones just gave Chrissy the box while standing over her & she had to TELL him to place the ring on her finger. He was like is this what you wanted to marry me & she cried & said “yes”. I understand they had a struggle with the who wedding issue but I think he could have made that moment more magical. Maybe I’m old school in my thinking but if you ask me to marry you………DON’T give me a box with a ring like “Here take this”. There is a proper way to do anything, be creative. A proposal should be an exciting event for both parties and not done like you’d rather be doing something else!

What are your thoughts?
Real Talk With Tia

Question of the Day 1/5/2012


Do you think there is a certain etiquette to proposing to a woman? Like getting on one knee & placing the ring on her finger?

I saw two proposals yesterday where the man just kind of GAVE the ring to the woman. On Love & Hip Hop last night Jim Jones just gave Chrissy the box while standing over her & she had to TELL him to place the ring on her finger. He was like is this what you wanted to marry me & she cried & said “yes”. I understand they had a struggle with the who wedding issue but I think he could have made that moment more magical. Maybe I’m old school in my thinking but if you ask me to marry you………DON’T give me a box with a ring like “Here take this”. There is a proper way to do anything, be creative. A proposal should be an exciting event for both parties and not done like you’d rather be doing something else!

What are your thoughts?
Real Talk With Tia

Question of the Day 1/4/2012

This maybe a little graphic but I was listening to The Foxxhole on Sirius radio and they were having a conversation in regards to money & the things people do for it. Well the question was posed to women would you have sex with a random man for $10,000….some said yes & some said no. Then it was put out to the men would you give fellatio to another man for 1 million dollars. The men were like NO but I feel that was to cover their manhood & ego…….I’m sure some men who are heterosexual would do it if no one found out about for 1 million dollars.

Do you think that people will do ANYTHING for money? What is something that you wouldn’t do no matter what amount of money was offered.

Question of the Day 1/3/2012

So today is the first post of The New Year….I had so many questions in my inbox to pick from….so here it is!

What do you do if you accepted an engagement ring so that you wouldn’t embarass your boyfriend but you really don’t want to marry him right now?

I received an e-mail from a young lady and she said for Christmas her & her boyfriend flew to her parents house to celebrate. After dinner he popped the big question, however she was surprised yet unsure if she wanted to say yes. He had flown his parents in as a surprise and also both of their best friends were present. So….not to make the moment awkward she said “yes”… that the Holiday’s are over & reality is setting in she doesn’t know what to do. She said she loves him but just not ready for marriage yet.

What are your thoughts?

Long time I know!

Hey everyone,

Sorry I’ve had such a long sabotical from my blog, travelling, sick & baking is a recipe for disaster!! I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas and are getting ready for New Year’s!

Is anyone maing a New Year’s resloution? If so what is it? If not, why don’t you make resolutions?

Have a Good Day & Much Love,
Real Talk With Tia

Qustion of the day 12/13

Would you stay with your spouse if they either cheated & got pregnant or cheated & got someone pregnant?

Question of the Day 12/8

Do you think it is fair an 8 year old get suspended for calling his teacher cute?

I’m listening to the radio on the way to work & they just did a segment on an 8 year old or maybe he was 9….anyway he got suspended for saying his teacher was cute to another student & the teacher overheard him.

I think that is WAY too over the top for just a simple comment. The teacher should have addressed it with the student & told him that was inappropriate for the classroom & went on with her teaching. I just think that was a rather hash punishment…..

What are your thoughts, epecially any teachers

Question of the Day 12/7


Do you think two people with TWO totally different religious backgrounds could have a successful marriage/relationship?

I have a friend that has a great guy, they get along well, he loves her kids, great person…..only thing is he is a Jehovah’s Witness & she is Baptist. Since they both have very different backgrounds this could present a problem in the future with raising kids & worshipping togther.

What are your thought?
Let’s Talk…..Tia

Question of the Day 12/1/2011

How long do you think a person that is recently divorced/or got out of a long term relationship wait to start dating again?

I think that everyone needs a healing time, I’m unsure of how much time that depends on the person and the tenure of the relationship or how the relationship ended. I don’t think that jumping into a new relationship and putting a bandaid over your wounds will help your healing.

Queston of the Day 11/30/2011

Greetings everyone……..November is nearing the the Christmas season is quickly approaching us!!!!

Do you believe in the theory of “Soul-Mates?” Anyone that is married do you feel your spouse is your soul-mate?

I was talking to someone and they asked me if I believed in soulmates. I didn’t have time to respond but reflecting now I would say not really soulmates but I think that when we were all created we were destined to be with someone that would match who we are. ….someone with whom we are compatible with. The tricky part is finding that person or that person finding you and making it happen. I think sometimes in relationships we fight for the wrong things and motives instead of releasing yourself so that you can find that someone who makes you truly happy & who you can also make truly happy without a doubt. I’m not knocking anyone who does believe in Soul-mates and those that do I’m sure that is a beautiful thing to feel like you met someone that even your soul feels it……….Love on 🙂

What are your thoughts?
